Kontakt / Contact:

E-post / E-mail

Telefon / Phone

Postadresse / Postal address: Roverudsgate 6, 0481 Oslo

Atelier / Studio: Tøyenbekken 5


Curriculum Vitae


Vestlandets Kunstakademi, Bergen, 1992-1996

Kunstakademiet Helsinki, Finland (6 mnd.), 1994-1995

Oslo tegne & malerskole, 1990-1992

Skolen for grafisk formgivning, Ulefoss, 1984-1986

Utstillinger / prosjekter

2026: Gruppeutstilling, Kunstbanken Hamar

2024: Utstilling / boklansering galleri 69, Oslo

2024: DETALJ I ROM, separatutstilling på galleri Mellomrommet, Oslo

2021: FRA INNSIDEN OG UT, separatutstilling QB galleri, Oslo

2021: DET SOM BLE TIL OVERS, separatutstilling galleri KGG, Oslo

2020: OSLO OPEN. Myntegata 2. Oslo

2020: DEN SISTE FESTEN, gruppeutstilling QB galleri, Oslo

2019: FOLDS OF THE PRESENT, gruppeutstilling QB Galleri, Oslo

2018: PINK, gruppeutstilling QB Galleri, Oslo

2016: Bærum Kunsthall. Gruppeutstilling. Samarbeidsprosjekt med Ingvild Myklebust Brekke

2017: Oslo Open

2015: Galleri N. Bergslien, Eidfjord Kommune

2014: Nasjonalmuseets bibliotek. «MED INNSIDEN Ut». *GI prosjekt

*Galleri GI ble startet av Lotte Konow Lund i 1997 og har fungert som et pop-up-galleri med visning av kunstnere utenfor den hvite kuben 

2013: Stedsspesifikt arbeid. House//of//foundation, Moss

2011: Høstutstillingen, Jubileumsutstilling 125, Oslo

2012: Galleri Åkern, Kongsberg

2013: Galleri Bogen, Stokke

2013: Galleri LNM (Landsforeningen Norske Malere), «Konstruktiv tendens», Oslo

2008: Galleri 69, Separatutstilling, Oslo

2005: Separatutstilling, Galleri LNM (Landsforeningen Norske Malere), Oslo

2004: Nordkappmuseet, Nordkapp

2002: Østfold Kunstnersenter, Fredrikstad

2001: Sandefjord Kunstforening, Sandefjord

2000: Høstutstillingen, Oslo

1999: Lofoten internasjonale kunstfestival (LIAF), Svolvær

1997: Rogaland Kunstnersenter, Stavanger

1997: Prosjektrom 1. Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo

1998: Fellessentralen – Norsk kunstproduksjon i 90-årene, GI prosjekt, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo

1997: Galleri m3, Oslo

1996: Avgangsutstilling, Bergen Kunstforening / Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen


2014: Jubileumsbok, Et europeisk fengsel, URO/KORO,  MED INNSIDEN UT, et prosjekt av Lotte Konow Lund

2012: Høstutstillingen 125, Vibrasjoner, Nye feministiske trekk – 90 tallet / Katalog

2000: LNM Prosjektrom / Katalog-2000

Verv / medlemskap

Nominasjonskomiteen i styret for LNM  (Landsforeningen Norske Malere) 2011/2013

Norske billedkunstnere (NBK)

Landsforeningen Norske Malere (LNM)


Stipend / studieopphold

Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond 1 år: 2024, 2023, 2022,2020, 2019, 2018, 2010, 2009, 2000, 2004, 2003, 2002

Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond (BKV), prosjektstøtte 2021

Kulturdirektoratets arbeidsstipend, 2021

Eidfjord kommune. Stipend: 2015

Statens diversestipend: 2014, 2015

Billedkunstnernes hjelpefondstipend 1 år: 2011, 1996

Statens reisestipend: 2007

Nordpluss-stipend. Helsinki Finland, 1995


Refstad barneskole, Oslo 2022-2024

Huddinge Prosjekt CHOPIN. Stockholm 2017-2019

Larvik Kommune, botiltak, 2018

Bredtveit Kvinnefengsel, Kunstordningen for offentlige uterom (URO)/Kunst i offentlige rom (KORO), Oslo 2013-2014

Innkjøpt av Den Norske Bank

Undervisning / formidling

Oslo Katedralskole, fast ansatt, undervisning i visuelt fag, 2012-2021

Asker Kunstfagskole, undervisning i maleri/fargeteori, 2010-2012

Den Kulturelle skolesekken, Punkt Ø, Galleri F 15, Jeløya. Formidling av utstillingen, Endring og Stillstand, 2010

Friundervisningen, Asker Kunstfagskole. Undervisning i maleri, 2009

Mølla Kunstfagskole, Undervisning i materiallære/maleri, 2004-2005

Oslo Malerklubb, undervisning, 2005-2007

Curriculum Vitae (english)


The Western Norway Academy of Art, Bergen, 1992-1996

Acad­emy of Fine Arts, Helsinki, Finland (6 month.), 1994-1995

The Oslo School of Drawing and Painting, 1990-1992

The School of graphic design, Ulefoss, 1984-1986

Exhibitions / Projects

2026: Group Exhibition, Kunstbanken (Center for Contemporary Art),  Hamar

2024: Exhibition / Book Launch, Gallery 69, Oslo

2024: DETAIL IN AREA, Solo Exhibition, Gallery Mellomrommet, Oslo

2021: FROM THE INSIDE AND OUT, Solo Exhibition, QB Gallery, Oslo

2021: THAT WICH REMAINED, Solo Exhibition, Gallery KGG, Oslo

2020: OSLO OPEN. Myntegata 2. Oslo

2020: THE LAST PARTY, Group Exhibition, QB Gallery, Oslo

2019: FOLDS OF THE PRESENT, Group Exhibition, QB Gallery, Oslo

2018: PINK, Group Exhibition, QB Gallery, Oslo

2016: Art Hall, Bærum, Group Exhibition, in collaboration with Ingvild Myklebust Brekke

2017: Oslo Open

2015: Gallery N. Bergslien, Eidfjord Municipality

2014: FROM THE INSIDE AND OUT, The National Museum's Library and Archive.  *GI project

*Gallery GI was started by Lotte Konow Lund in 1997 and has functioned as a pop-up gallery showcasing artists outside the white cube.

2013:  Site-specific work. House//of//foundation, Moss

2011: The Annual National Autumn Exhibition of Art, Anniversary exhibition 125, Oslo

2012: Gallery Åkern, Kongsberg

2013: Gallery Bogen, Stokke

2013: Galleri LNM, (The National Association of Norwegian Painters), Constructive tendency, Oslo

2008: Solo Exhibition, Gallery 69, Oslo

2005: Solo Exhibition, Gallery  LNM (The Norwegian Association of Painters)

2004: The North Cape Museum, Nordkapp

2002: Østfold Art Center, Fredrikstad

2001: Sandefjord Art Association, Sandefjord

2000: The Annual National Autumn Exhibition of Art, Oslo

1999: The International Art Festival of Lofoten, Svolvær

1997: Rogaland Art Center, Stavanger

1997: Project Room 1. House of the Artists, Oslo

1998: Fellessentralen – Norwegian art production in the 90s, GI project, House of the Artists, Oslo

1997: Gallery m3, Oslo

1996: Graduation exhibition, Bergen Art Association, Bergen Art Hall Bergen


2014: Anniversary book, European Prison, Council to Establish Art in Public Areas, WITH INSIDE OUTSIDE, project by Lotte Konow Lund

2012: The Annual National Autumn Exhibition of Art, Vibrations, New Trends in Feminism - 90's / Catalogue

2000: LNM (The National Association of Norwegian Painters) Catalogue-2000

Verv / medlemskap

Nomination Committee on the LNM (The Norwegian Association of Painters) Board 2011/2013

Association of Norwegian Visual Artists (NBK)

The Norwegian Association of Painters (LNM)

The Drawing Association

Grants / periods of study

Norwegian Visual Artists Fund (BKV) 1 year: 2024, 2023, 2022,2020, 2019, 2018, 2010, 2009, 2000, 2004, 2003, 2002

Norwegian Visual Artists Fund (BKV) Project Support Grant 2021

The Directorate of Culture's work grant: 2021

Grant from Eidfjord County: 2015

The National Artists Extra Grant: 2014, 2015

The Fine Arts Grant for the Assistance of Artists, 1 year: 2011, 1996

The National Artists Grant for Travel: 2007

Nordpluss-Grant. Helsinki Finland, 1995

Public Art

Refstad Elementary School, Oslo 2022-2024

Huddinge, Chopin Hospital. Stockholm 2017-2019

Decoration of housing projects in Larvik municipality, 2018

Bredtveit Women's prison, Council for Exhibiting Art in Public Areas, Public Art Council, Oslo 2013-2014

Purchased by Den Norske Bank

Undervisning / formidling

Oslo Katedralskole, Permanent employee, Tuition on Visual Subjects, 2012-2021

Asker Kunstfagskole, Tuition in painting and Colour Theory, 2010-2012

The Cultural Schoolbag, Punkt Ø, Gallery F 15, Jeløya. Promotion of the exhibition, Change and Stillness, 2010

Friundervisningen, Asker Art School. Tuition in painting, 2009

Mølla Kunstfagskole, Tuition in materials science / painting, 2004-2005

Oslo Painting Club, Tuition, 2005-2007